Baby Size Guide

Baby Clothes Size Guide

Find the perfect fit for every baby with our detailed baby clothing size guide.
From newborns to toddlers, we stock comfortable, durable baby clothes of all sizes.

Size Age Height (cm) Weight (kgs) Head (cm)
0000 Newborn Up to 56 3-4 37
000 0-3 months Up to 62 4-6 43
00 3-6 months Up to 67 6-8 45
0 6-12 months Up to 76 8-10 48
1 12-18 months Up to 84 10-12 48
2 18-24 months Up to 90 12-14 51


Baby Size FAQs


What is a size 0 baby in Australia?

At 6-12 months, most babies will fit into size 0 clothing. Little ones that are approximately 76cm in height and 10kg in weight will be best suited to this size. Remember; age isn’t the important determining factor for baby sizes. When building up your baby’s wardrobe, it’s best to let their measurements guide your purchases.

What is a size 00 baby in Australia?

As newborns hit the 3-6 month mark, they will usually need clothes in size 00. Babies that are 67cm in height and 8kg in weight will be best suited to this size.

What is a size 000 in Australia?

Size 000 is generally best suited to 0-3 month old babies. To ensure a snug and comfortable fit, dress newborns in this clothing size when they reach 62cm in height and 6kg in weight. If you’re shopping for a baby shower gift, the general rule of thumb is to buy clothes in the size up. Therefore, size 000 is usually the best way to go.

How do baby clothes sizes work?

Most baby clothing sizes are based on the average age, weight and length of children at certain ages. However, no two babies are alike and size guides will vary from brand to brand. To ensure a safe and comfortable fit, it’s important to refer to our baby size chart to see where your child’s measurements fall before securing a purchase.

How many baby clothes do I need for each size?

As babies vary in length and grow at different rates, it can be tricky to determine exactly how many clothes you’ll need for each size. Therefore, it’s best to build their wardrobe in manageable increments.

A good place to start is with a range of basics and essentials that suit the season your baby is due. This collection should include:

  • 4-8 shirts
  • 4-8 onesies
  • 7 zipsuits with feet
  • 3-6 playsuits
  • 2-4 two-piece outfits
  • 1-3 formal outfits
  • 4-8 pairs of socks
  • 1-2 sweaters (for Winter babies)
  • 1-3 knitted hats (for Winter babies)
  • 1-3 sun hats (for Summer babies)
  • 1-2 swimsuits (for Summer babies)

This variety of baby sets and essentials will help you plan for at least 1-3 changes per day. You may need to add or subtract from this list to better accommodate your financial needs, laundry schedule and the time of year.

What is the right size for a newborn baby?

Most newborns are 46-56cm in length and will start with size 0000. However, every baby is unique and may be better suited to smaller or larger clothing sizes. That’s why it’s important to refer to the height and weight column of the size guide. When you’re 34 weeks pregnant, your gynaecologist can conduct an assessment to estimate the size of your baby. Having a better idea of their clothing size will help you shop our range of baby wardrobe staples in preparation for the new arrival.

How are baby sizes determined?

Baby clothing sizes in Australia are broken into three month ranges: 0-3 months (000), 3-6 months (00) and 6-12 months (0). These sizes are based on the average height and weight for babies at these ages.

How should I organise my baby clothes?

You can organise your collection of baby clothes in whatever way suits your needs and wardrobe layout best. However, it’s important to keep in mind that babies will generally grow out of their clothing size every 6-8 weeks. If reshuffling your child’s wardrobe every few months sounds like a headache, it will be extremely helpful to organise your baby clothes by size. For their first year, you could have designated spaces, dividers or drawers for your 0-3 month, 3-6 month and 6-12 month collections. This will take the hassle out of finding clean clothes in the right size and will help you pull adorable outfits together easily.

Does it matter if baby clothes are too big?

Dressing your baby in clothes that are too big, especially sleepwear, can be dangerous. Wriggly little ones can become tangled in garments that are too large, which can lead to suffocation. Certainly, you can prepare for the future by building up your child’s wardrobe with clothes that they will grow into. However, when it comes to dressing your baby, it’s best to avoid loose or baggy garments to ensure safety and a comfortable fit.

What size baby clothes should I buy?

The golden rule of baby clothes shopping is to buy in baby steps and be guided by your child’s weight and height. If you’re shopping for a bub on the way, buy clothes in sizes that vary between newborn (size 0000), 0-3 months (size 000) and 3-6 months (size 00). Most new arrivals will quickly grow out of their clothes, therefore, it’s best to limit your newborn collection and invest in your 3-6 month range. If you ever have a question, you’re more than welcome to contact our friendly customer service team. We’re here to help!